The Spirit Of Truth
Symbolic of the Holy Spirit whom Jesus refers to as the ..."the Spirit of Truth." John ch 14:16-17
"And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever-even the Spirit of Truth."
This artwork is part of my sketchbook series from 2000
Espiritu Santo - Holy Spirit
This is a drawing I did in one of my journals for Spanish class in college. I have always liked the symbol of the dove descending through fire depciting the Holy Spirit or Espiritu Santo. 2000.
Not Yet Written
Not Yet Written is a compelation of symbols which are significant in faith in Christ. The dove and the ring of fire represent the Holy Spirit. The black sheep represents those who were lost and are now found by the shepherd. The open blank book is a symbol of the Book of Life, of which, God writes our name in it and he will not blot it out if we are his. The pages are blank because there are still many who need to know the truth of Christ's sacrifice and believe. Many are called but few are chosen. "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved". Romans 10:13
Unspeakable Gift
This was a Bible verse theme for a Bible study Christmas party one year I went to and made a similar embellished verse. I re-did this for Christmas this year.
Please click on the Picture Links below for more information:
To see Jamey's work in the Blog dedicated to the cross please click <> HERE <>

About Jamey:
I have been an artist since I was a child.
My training is a combination of formal and self-taught techniques including; Drawing, Painting, Print Making, Ceramics, Sculpture, and Digital Media. I am an Alumnus of the Hartford Art School in Connecticut.
My faith drives me to create pieces which I believe reflect the beauty of creation or the spiritual search. My subjects often include Horses, Animals, Nature, Musicians, often Jazz Musicians, and Christian symbolism.
I love to use Bold Color and Capture the moment in my work. I enjoy stressing Movement in many of my pieces. I have been influenced by various styles including, but not limited to: Surrealism, Abstract Expressionism and Expressionism, Classical, and many more. My love of Music is an influence as well and I feel it’s also art as the movements in music coincide with the movements in art respectively.
My Gallery consists of paintings, drawings, sculptures, and photos from my past and present works. As a wife and mother my spectrum of creativity has deepened. My focus now is on my faith, family, love, life, and the world around me.
I hope you enjoy my art and will consider having my pieces adorning your walls. Please feel free to browse and share with others who may be interested.
I will be donating a percentage of my Sales to the following causes. Mustangs are an important part of American History that should not be exterminated by mass roundups. Frogs are also disappearing at an alarming rate. Please visit the following links and get involved.
God Bless,
Jamey Balester
All work in the corresponding galleries is the original work of Jamey Balester. For sale, copyrighted to Jamey Lee Balester, Jamey L. Balester, Jamey Lee Balester Lopez, JLBStarCreations, & as such, is protected by US and International Copyright laws.
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