The Five Wise and Five Foolish Virgins
Digital Drawing and Painting - Christian Art
Christ The Bridegroom is about to enter the bridal chambers and the hour is late. The five foolish virgins have no oil for their lamps. The five wise virgins do. The five foolish virgins asked to borrow oil to trim their lamps from the five wise virgins, but this was not possible, and they went away very sad. There is a play on words in the Greek language as eleos and eleon are very close words in Greek. Eleos meaning mercy, and eleon meaning oil. It is believed the five wise virgins could not lend their oil to the five foolish virgins because no one can lend their acts of mercy to another. We all must perform our own. The five wise virgins are behind the door, in the light, illumined by the light of Christ, dressed in their wedding garments which are sewn together of all their acts of compassion. They are watchful, waiting, awake, with their hands out giving mercy to others and ready to receive their bridegroom. The five foolish virgins are asleep, preoccupied with themselves, and in the dark. They have no hands to receive or to reach out to others, they have no arms of mercy, or legs to run to show compassion. They have no wedding garment. They mirror and join the crown of thorns around Jesus Christ's head.
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To see Anita's work in the Blog dedicated to Icons please click <> HERE <>
And to see Anita's work in the Blog dedicated to the Cross please click <> HERE <>

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