Follow Jesus
Find the hidden form of Jesus in this painting.
As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon and his brother Andrew, they were fishermen. Come, follow Me, Jesus said. Mark 1 v 16-17.
Although our lakes and our jobs may be different, He still issues the same invitation, the same challenge.
This painting was based on a spot at the Southern tip of the Sea of Galilee. The nearest boat was made from fero-cement.
Look closely and you will find the figure of Jesus, beckoning us to follow.
Now it's our move, our futures, peoples destinies hang on our response.
This piece has been already SOLD.
Please feel free to contact the artist directly regarding this or other pieces.

Come Follow Me
See if you can find the words, Come Follow Me, which are hidden in the foreground.
2000 years ago these stones vibrated to the voice of their Creator. The locals who responded to His call and followed Him became - These who have turned the world upside down.
Eighteen times in the Gospels Jesus gives the challenge to Follow Me (hidden in the foreground). That invitation is no less radical today. Those who dare to truly follow Him (sandals) move beyond this tranquil picture. They carry His peace down the road to where an upside down world cries out to be turned right side up.
This piece has been already SOLD.
Please feel free to contact the artist directly regarding this or other pieces.
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