Celtic Cross Sunrise
I photographed this Celtic Cross which belongs in our family and added a watercolor painting that was then photographed and added as a texture to the image.
Celtic cross (Irish: cros Cheilteach,) is a symbol that combines a cross with a ring surrounding the intersection. In the Celtic Christian world it was combined with the Christian cross and this design was often used for high crosses a free-standing cross made of stone and often richly decorated. With the Celtic Revival the shape, usually decorated with interlace and other motifs from Insular art, became widely popular and has remained so, spreading well beyond Ireland.
In Ireland, it is a popular legend that the Celtic Christian cross was introduced by Saint Patrick or possibly Saint Declan during his time converting the pagan Irish, though there are no examples from this early period. It has often been claimed that Patrick combined the symbol of Christianity with the sun cross. Other interpretations claim that placing the cross on top of the circle represents Christ's supremacy over the pagan sun.
Photography by Sandi O'Reilly, All Rights Reserved and copyrighted. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me through FAA's email service, glad to help.
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Thanksgiving By Ella Wheeler Wilcox
I read this poem "Thanksgiving" by Ella Wheeler Wilcox again and decided to share this as it was very special to me on this day of Thanksgiving. The leaves are my photography and the texture by Joel Olive. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox (November 5, 1850 October 30, 1919) was an American author and poet. Her best-known work was Poems of Passion, and her autobiography, The Worlds and I was published in 1918 shortly before her death.
A popular rather than a literary poet, her poems express sentiments of cheer and optimism in plainly written, rhyming verse. Her world view is expressed in the title of her poem "Whatever Is Is Best" (suggesting an echo of Pope's "Whatever is, is right."). None of her work was included by F. O. Matthiesen in The Oxford Book of American Verse, but Hazel Felleman chose no less than thirteen of her poems for Best Loved Poems of the American People, while Martin Gardner selected "Solitude" and "The Winds of Fate" for Best Remembered Poems.
She is frequently cited in parody collections (Pegasus Descending, others). Sinclair Lewis indicates Babbitt's lack of literary sophistication by having refer to a piece of verse as "one of the classic poems, like 'If' by Kipling, or Ella Wheeler Wilcox's 'The Man Worth While'". She wrote 165 poems, hope you take time to read some of her work.
Nature Photography and Design by Sandi O'Reilly All Rights Reserved and Copyrighted and Poem by Ella Wheeler Wilcox. To contact me, you may use FAA's email service.

About Sandi:
Welcome to my Galleries. I have been an artist since I was very small and it has continued in some way most of my life. I paint, draw, photograph and love to work with all types of media. Recently, I have taken my love for photography as my primary passion and am enjoying getting behind the lenses again. I shoot all types of subjects, but God's creation of all types seems to draw me the most. I want to expand that into more digital art and am working on some interesting projects I plan to share with you here soon. I hope that you enjoy my work and find something that speaks to you that you would like to make your own. Feel free to contact me with any questions you might have. I appreciate you visiting and thank you for stopping by. Sandi O'Reilly
May I suggest viewing the greeting cards, as they are 5x7 and make a wonderful gift that can be framed.
All photographs and artworks in this portfolio are copyrighted and owned by the artist,Sandi O'Reilly. Any publication, reproduction, modification, transmission, transfer, or exploitation of any of the content, for personal or commercial use, whether in whole or in part, without written permission from myself is prohibited. All rights reserved.
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