About Eloise
And Work Discriptions
Eloise’s rustic paintings, prints, giclees, and canvas prints have the classic beauty and style of antiques. Her paintings and prints on canvas include landscapes from the Georgia, Texas, and Alabama countryside. She also paints on old wood, combining history with art, as she incorporates antique jewelry, tools, hats, musical instruments or frames into her creations. Eloise has been featured in Lee Magazine and Sunshine Artist Magazine as well as in newspapers and on television and has won numerous awards.
Eloise accepts commissions where she designs original art paintings to accommodate family pieces (Grandpa's old watch, for example) into memory paintings. Eloise originals can be found at both Fairhope Connection galleries in Fairhope and Orange Beach, Alabama. Other Eloise originals are also sold at the Hotel Defuniak Art Gallery in Walton County, Florida, as well as Nook and Cranny in Defuniak Springs. In Georgia, Eloise originals on antique china pieces can be found at the Steffan Thomas Museum of Art Gift Shop in Buckhead, GA; Doodlebugs in Statesboro, GA; and the Twin City Pharmacy and Gift Shop. Eloise originals are also displayed at the Cotton Patch Bakery in Portal, GA.
An educator herself, Eloise was one of the illustrators for the I Can Say That book, winner of the Early Language Literacy Award. Eloise also illustrated the book Jesus is Born, written by Brenda O'Quinn and published by Synerge Books, found at http://www.synergebooks.com/ebook_jesusisborn.html
Eloise also paints fine art pieces that encompass gorgeous landscapes, flowers, cotton fields, floral arrangements, and other delicate and detailed works. Her playful side lends a hand in her creation of fun art - striped cats, fat pigs, big lipped fish, and curious cows. Eloise Schneider's art also includes images of Italy, Germany, France, Spain, and Mexico - down by the water, in a village, or near a field in the sunlight of the dawn. She also paints ships and beaches, trees and forests, and the beautiful landscapes of the good ol' USA.
Faith is important to Eloise as an artist and she develops that belief system into many of her paintings: three crosses at Calvary, the cross on Pensacola Beach that overlooks the bay, children in the hands of God, the birth of Jesus Christ, and others.
Perhaps the most unusual of Eloise Schneider's artwork are her watercolor renditions of American Sign Language. As a teacher of the deaf and other children with special needs, Eloise has a heart for the art that reflects her love for those children. Her painting of the ASL 'I Love You' sign is bright and bold, a wonderful piece for a hearing or deaf person to enjoy. The world is grand and love can be too. Eloise's work is just that: full of love and life.
You will find her work available as originals, giclee prints, framed prints, canvas prints, and greeting cards.
In The Potter's Hands
Hands mold the pot as the wheel turns and the potter watches the clay take shape in the morning light. Will the potter form a new pot or a new life? Perhaps the concept is one and the same. Here's to new beginnings.
Sometimes I think the hands belong to God as he is shaping my life, fixing the cracks, repairing broken pieces of my heart, making good out of bad. Other times, I imagine that the hands are mine and I am molding little lives in kindergarten class. Or maybe the hands belong to my husband whose loving touch smooths my stress marks.
I want to have hands that love, never hands that cause someone to shrink back as I've seen little children do with parents who raise their hands to strike them. Hands should be loving. I want to pet, squeeze, tweak, and stroke, just like hands smoothing out the bumps and bubbles of the pot.
This painting is oil and acrylic. I began with a black background and then used white to outline the image of the hands and the pot. From there, I layered on the paint, building skin tones that highlighted muscles and movement. The final stage was adding the highlights. It just seems to me that pots in the molding stage should emerge in the light of a morning sun. Perhaps that isn't realistic to the potter, but it certainly appeals to the poetic writer in me.
I like analogies, and I think I like being a pot. I like to think that the rough edges are smoothed away by the kindness of hands. Maybe I won't be smooth from youth, maybe I won't have the shine of new clay, but I can be smooth from the love of hands that wore away the cracks with constant care.
The Creator
This sign caught my eye, and then it caught my heart! Oh, yes, there are days when I am tired. There are days when I want to give up on whatever difficult job or situation I have before me. There are even times when I momentarily forget that God is in charge - in fact, I sometimes have to remind myself that He is bigger than circumstances.
Today, seeing this sign reminded me of God's role as Creator. He knows me like I know the paintings I create. And although I am often weary, He never runs out of steam. He is my strength.
The scripture on the sign says this:
Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.
The message on the sign contrasted against the old barn that is slowly falling to the ground reminds me how those things created by a man or woman will eventually wear out and crumble with the passing of time. But those things fashioned by the hand of God are eternal.
Eloise accepts commissions where she designs original art paintings to accommodate family pieces (Grandpa's old watch, for example) into memory paintings. Eloise originals can be found at both Fairhope Connection galleries in Fairhope and Orange Beach, Alabama. Other Eloise originals are also sold at the Hotel Defuniak Art Gallery in Walton County, Florida, as well as Nook and Cranny in Defuniak Springs. In Georgia, Eloise originals on antique china pieces can be found at the Steffan Thomas Museum of Art Gift Shop in Buckhead, GA; Doodlebugs in Statesboro, GA; and the Twin City Pharmacy and Gift Shop. Eloise originals are also displayed at the Cotton Patch Bakery in Portal, GA.
An educator herself, Eloise was one of the illustrators for the I Can Say That book, winner of the Early Language Literacy Award. Eloise also illustrated the book Jesus is Born, written by Brenda O'Quinn and published by Synerge Books, found at http://www.synergebooks.com/ebook_jesusisborn.html
Eloise also paints fine art pieces that encompass gorgeous landscapes, flowers, cotton fields, floral arrangements, and other delicate and detailed works. Her playful side lends a hand in her creation of fun art - striped cats, fat pigs, big lipped fish, and curious cows. Eloise Schneider's art also includes images of Italy, Germany, France, Spain, and Mexico - down by the water, in a village, or near a field in the sunlight of the dawn. She also paints ships and beaches, trees and forests, and the beautiful landscapes of the good ol' USA.
Faith is important to Eloise as an artist and she develops that belief system into many of her paintings: three crosses at Calvary, the cross on Pensacola Beach that overlooks the bay, children in the hands of God, the birth of Jesus Christ, and others.
Perhaps the most unusual of Eloise Schneider's artwork are her watercolor renditions of American Sign Language. As a teacher of the deaf and other children with special needs, Eloise has a heart for the art that reflects her love for those children. Her painting of the ASL 'I Love You' sign is bright and bold, a wonderful piece for a hearing or deaf person to enjoy. The world is grand and love can be too. Eloise's work is just that: full of love and life.
You will find her work available as originals, giclee prints, framed prints, canvas prints, and greeting cards.
Hands mold the pot as the wheel turns and the potter watches the clay take shape in the morning light. Will the potter form a new pot or a new life? Perhaps the concept is one and the same. Here's to new beginnings.
Sometimes I think the hands belong to God as he is shaping my life, fixing the cracks, repairing broken pieces of my heart, making good out of bad. Other times, I imagine that the hands are mine and I am molding little lives in kindergarten class. Or maybe the hands belong to my husband whose loving touch smooths my stress marks.
I want to have hands that love, never hands that cause someone to shrink back as I've seen little children do with parents who raise their hands to strike them. Hands should be loving. I want to pet, squeeze, tweak, and stroke, just like hands smoothing out the bumps and bubbles of the pot.
This painting is oil and acrylic. I began with a black background and then used white to outline the image of the hands and the pot. From there, I layered on the paint, building skin tones that highlighted muscles and movement. The final stage was adding the highlights. It just seems to me that pots in the molding stage should emerge in the light of a morning sun. Perhaps that isn't realistic to the potter, but it certainly appeals to the poetic writer in me.
I like analogies, and I think I like being a pot. I like to think that the rough edges are smoothed away by the kindness of hands. Maybe I won't be smooth from youth, maybe I won't have the shine of new clay, but I can be smooth from the love of hands that wore away the cracks with constant care.
This sign caught my eye, and then it caught my heart! Oh, yes, there are days when I am tired. There are days when I want to give up on whatever difficult job or situation I have before me. There are even times when I momentarily forget that God is in charge - in fact, I sometimes have to remind myself that He is bigger than circumstances.
Today, seeing this sign reminded me of God's role as Creator. He knows me like I know the paintings I create. And although I am often weary, He never runs out of steam. He is my strength.
The scripture on the sign says this:
Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.
The message on the sign contrasted against the old barn that is slowly falling to the ground reminds me how those things created by a man or woman will eventually wear out and crumble with the passing of time. But those things fashioned by the hand of God are eternal.

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