In a Split Second:
Roberta's mother went to the hospital and two months later died while still in the hospital. She never came home. The family suffered grief and loss. The family deeply affected by this abrupt change within in their lives became somewhat irrational as many families do in times of stress and crisis. When Roberta returned to her home town to try to work through her mothers final personal belongings, her life was changed in a split second. While driving to the family home, Roberta heard what she knew could only be a gun shot; but she didn't know that such a terrifying scream could leave her body. Shock took over her being and she was out of touch with reality around her. She was looking for her heavenly escort from this world to the next. She noticed that the window in her car was missing as a soft breath of air touched her face. In the midst of shock and what seemed like hearing loss, Roberta heard a soft, gentle voice: "pull over, pull over." Pull over? Was she still driving? Yes, there is the bridge that spans over the major highway. Who drove over that? Me? In a Split Second was written as inspiration for others by sharing an "almost" near death experience and how it changed Roberta's life forever. How often do we go through our busy lives missing so much that God has to offer? Why do we wait for something of a crisis to become aware of God always with us? Why don't we take the time to care about our gifts from God? In a Split Seconds confronts us with these challenging questions as we all struggle to stay in touch with the One who created us.

Little Bits and Bytes of Revelation:
Roberta Gail Byram was living a fairy tale life in the secular world when God had other ideas for her life. She was called to ministry at age forty, entered college (North Carolina Wesleyan College) at age forty two and Seminary (Duke Divinity School) at age fifty three. Roberta acknowledges that God has a sense of humor where this grandmother is concerned and accepted the life God had in mind. She is a wife in a second marriage, has two children and one step child and at the publishing of this book has twelve grandchildren. She was born and raised in the Ohio Valley, lived in Atlanta Georgia and Dallas Texas, and for fifteen years has called Raleigh North Carolina home. She was a business partner in the semiconductor world of technology (hardware) after spending many years in that industry. She and her husband moved to Raleigh at the urging of the Holy Spirit to form this business. In 2005, Roberta was ordained a Deacon in the United Methodist Church and in 2007 ordained an Elder. During her years of education and after; she was an Associate Pastor in three different appointments two of which were medium sized churches and one large church. She was Pastor in Charge in a two church charge and currently is stepping back into a half time position in a small church for one year to reflect, to be fully present to family, and to listen to God in discerning where God might be leading her in the future. Areas of responsibilities have included nurture, support, evangelism, outreach (missions), education, spiritual formation, and procedure writing. Roberta has been involved in many areas of ministry that include The Walk to Emmaus and Spiritual Retreats for Women. Intentional Spiritual Formation is her passion and she has written and facilitated two Spiritual Retreats for Women: Sisters Mary and Martha and Make Me an Instrument. Roberta is a real person in the real world and has lived the scope of hard labor work and living on very little income to professional sales and business to vocation as pastor. Life experience is vast and deep and has included God in all aspects. God continues to speak to Roberta in the everyday occurrences of her life and Roberta continues to hear and treasure all the messages that God reveals.

Apex, NC - United States

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