Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel by Roberta Byram. I stared up to the top of this statue on the grounds of West Point Academy in New York and wondered at all the lives that have been given for our freedom. It was as if this guardian angel was protecting all of us gathered around the bottom of the statue. It is a reminder to us all that freedom comes at a very high cost.

Angel Of God Struggle

Inmate Daniel
When Daniel was a senior in HS, he started coming to youth group at my church. He looked just like my grandson and yes, I adopted him as one of mine.when you have 15. What is one or two more? Daniel made a terrible mistake after graduation prompted by an older authoritative adult. He went to jail, took a plea bargain, and is prison for 5 years. All this happened in 2012. I have been close to Daniel since then and I have visited him in 5 facilities in his so far two years there and some prisons are much better than others. Daniel was transformed early on in the first facility and I was there with him the whole time. It is very difficult when you have a target on your back as Daniel does. He keeps his head down and when asked or told to be part of a group that is going to get into trouble .He replies; I have one goal and one focus while I am in here. To stay out of trouble and to get out! I am going home!
Daniel has had the hand of God upon him since he made his terrible mistake and the Holy Spirit has not left his side in prison. Daniel has many stories to tell and they all include how God is getting him through this. Daniel is not a person who should be in jail, but I imagine all say that.
Daniel draws on any scrap of paper he can find and his pennies a day buy pencils in order to draw. He drew two pictures that I am offering for sale on Fine Art America. All proceeds go to Daniel to buy more pencils and paper when allowed to buy paper. All will go into his account in prison.
The pencil one of the angel is Gen 3 when Jacob and the angel of God struggled and the angel threw Jacob's hip out of place. That is what Daniel intended. I saw a young man struggling to stay grounded in a difficult place and the angel of God straining to help him stay grounded. Notice the strain of the veins and the struggle ensuing.
Daniel celebrated his 22 birthday in prison and is a talented young man who loves to draw the images given to him by God. I do not know how he got colored pencils for the other one; but he made that for a woman in our church who was dying of cancer and it was right there with her when she died.
If you feel led to purchase one of Daniels drawings and help to support a young man who is holding on to his faith to get him through the next 3 years, it would be greatly appreciated. I visit Daniel as often as I can and have put these drawings on this site with his permission Nov. 2014.
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