A place of hope
Where predicted calamity was avoided
As the Apocalypse can be too
Turn form all wickedness
Embrace the Love of the Lord
And when the Angel of the Lord arrives
It will not be to strike down you
War and rumour of war
Greater than has ever been
Greater than the Great War
October 17 and World War Two
With Spanish fly
Around the eye
It was said,
The Apocalypse was due
But the Temple did not stand above a dome of gold
So the horror of the past is as nothing
Should you turn from the Lord
And allow it to come true
During WW I there was an epidemic that killed millions of people that was known as "the Spanish Lady."
Henryk Gorecki
Cross Of The Third Millennium
11.09.2001 ,the weather was beautiful.I wanted to live and enjoy a wonderful moment...Suddenly,the World changed!...,,Cross of the Third Millennium,,Oil on canvas; 68/108 cm.
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About Henryk:
I was born in 1947 in Poland. Currently i am retired,but in the past worked in a variety of occupations,rather far from art.First year career he was associated with military aviation as a mechanic Flight. Despite the passage of time still walk with your in the clouds.I liked the change and I was curious about the world.I worked in a coal mine,a car factory,in the forest,in the wood and gas station. Also as a longshoreman, builder,restorer bridges etc. Constant in my life turned out to be a passion for fusing reality with the help of various types of media. After the children s crayons stage in the 60-s I discovered for myself the technique oil. This fascination does not pass.Officially did not recaive any science in the field of painting. I am a self-taught.Much was copying and I learned observing the works of the great masters. I took an active part in the activities of many associations and arts organizations. The achievements have dozens of exhibitions and numerous prestigous awards.Images in collections in many countries around the world. I prefer painting in a realistic style,but there are moments when I feel bound by the Convention and escaping into a fantasy world. Thank you for visiting and welcome to my website. I would add that all of the images in this gallery are protected by U.S. and international copyright.If you have bad intentions-forget it right away! Despite the inherent gentlennes I can be scary!
Awesome prophetic painting.